Home Improvement

Home Improvement: Window Replacement

If your windows look outdated and don’t open, close, or lock easily, it’s time to consider replacement. New windows can add value and curb appeal to your home and improve its energy efficiency.

Window Replacement

Full frame window replacement involves removing existing exterior and interior casings and the window itself. This allows professionals to inspect and repair areas of rot or water damage. Visit https://www.kelemerbrothers.com/ for more information.

Replacing your windows is one of the best ways to boost your building’s exterior curb appeal. This home improvement project can make a big difference in how your building looks and can also help increase its value.

Adding new windows to your property can dramatically alter its appearance and this is something that many homeowners will find appealing. When you install new windows, you will be able to choose from different styles and sizes so that you can get the perfect fit for your home. Changing the color of the window frames and sills can also help to improve the curb appeal of your property.

You can also choose to install different types of windows, including bay and bow windows, which can add a great deal of character to your home’s exterior. These windows will often feature decorative features that will enhance your home’s overall appearance and they can also let in a lot of natural light, which can create a more comfortable environment inside.

Another way that you can improve your property’s curb appeal is to install a new front door. This is a project that can be done relatively quickly and it will also add a great deal of value to your building’s exterior. The type of door that you choose will depend on your personal preferences and the style of your building.

There are several other ways that you can improve your property’s curb appealing, including installing a new walkway, painting the door and adding some landscaping. Adding some lighting can also help to boost the curb appeal of your property and this is something that you should consider doing if you want to see a dramatic change in the way that your building looks.

The final way that you can improve your home’s curb appeal is to replace your existing windows. This is a project that will provide you with a significant return on investment and it can also make your building more energy efficient. You can choose to install double-glazed or Low-E glass, which will help to reduce heat gain in the summer and it will also help to cut down on your energy bills.

Fix Water Damage

A broken window that allows water to seep through the walls and ceilings of your home can lead to mold growth, wood rot, and other costly problems. If your windows are leaking, you’ll need to hire a professional to inspect and repair the damage.

Moisture problems often appear in the form of fogging between glass panes or condensation on the outside of your window. These problems are the result of special seals that hold double-pane windows in place cracking and hardening over time due to repeated expansion and contraction of the frames caused by changing weather. These seals can be repaired using a special silicone compound.

Other common signs of leaky windows are rotting wood on the sill or frame and softness to the touch. These issues can be difficult to identify, but a professional will know where the source of the problem lies and how to address it.

In addition to repairing sealant and caulking, your window replacement contractor may suggest adding additional insulation to the casing and brickmould around the new windows. Insulation adds an extra barrier to air and moisture, making your home more energy efficient.

Depending on the extent of the leaks and damage, your window replacement company may advise full-frame window replacement. During this process, the original window is removed down to the studs and the opening is rebuilt with a new window. This method is more expensive than repair or installation of a new window but it’s the best way to prevent future problems.

It’s important to remember that if your house is in a historic district and you need to replace your windows, you’ll need prior approval from the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC). LPC approves only those window replacement programs that closely match the style, detailing, and styling of the original building. If your home isn’t in a historic district and the existing frames can remain intact, window repair is typically a more cost-effective solution.

Freshen Up Your Home’s Paint

Having fresh paint on your windows and window sills will give your home a vibrant new look that’s easy to clean and maintain. A fresh coat of exterior paint is a great way to brighten your home’s curb appeal, but you can also use it to cover any scratches or blemishes on your wood framing.

If you are looking for a more permanent solution, window replacement may be the right choice for your home. Many homeowners find that their home windows are starting to show signs of wear and tear, but instead of painting them or trying to repair the damage, it is a better option to replace them with new double-pane windows with improved energy efficiency.

New windows will not only make your home more comfortable, but they will also increase its value. Unlike a paint job, which will only last for a few years before needing to be touched up again, new windows can add value to your home for decades to come.

There are several types of window frames to choose from, so you’ll be able to find one that works best with your home’s architectural style. Aluminum and fiberglass are both durable and modern, while wood frames offer a warm, traditional feel to your home. If you’re interested in reducing your home’s environmental impact, consider a hybrid wood frame that combines the durability of wood with the low maintenance benefits of vinyl or aluminum.

Once you’ve decided on a frame type, consider how your new windows will look from the street. Whether you choose double-hung windows that tilt in for easy cleaning or sliding windows that allow you to take advantage of natural light, the window style you choose will influence how your house looks from the outside for years to come.

If you’re considering window replacement, talk to an expert about your options and budget. They can help you determine whether it makes more sense to repair or replace your existing windows and explain the process of installation. Window replacement is an investment, but it’s a smart move that will help you get the most return on your investment when it comes time to sell your home.

Save Energy

Homeowners can save substantial sums on energy bills by replacing their old single-pane windows with new double or triple-pane windows. Depending on the climate, homeowners can expect to save between $101-$583 per year. The savings are based on energy efficiency ratings and how much more efficiently the new windows operate.

Compared to older home windows, which may have gaps and cracks that let in air, water and ice, replacement windows provide an airtight seal that reduces heating and cooling costs. Keeping the cold out in winter and the hot out in summer will help to lower utility bills and improve comfort.

Window replacement can also be an effective way to improve home security. The improved seal helps to keep intruders from gaining access to your house and helps prevent the infiltration of moisture that can lead to rot and mildew. The right replacement windows can also make maintenance easier, removing the need for unsightly storm windows and reducing the risk of rust and corrosion on the exterior of your home’s frame.

The right window replacement can also increase a home’s value. The increased curb appeal and home energy efficiency can trigger a faster sale, especially for homes with historic significance. It’s important to consult with a reputable contractor before choosing the style and material of your replacement windows so they’ll blend seamlessly with your existing home’s design.

There are a few different ways to replace your home’s windows, including full-frame replacement, insert replacements and sash kits. Full-frame replacement involves removing the entire original window frame, while insert windows install within the existing window opening. Sash kits, like the ones Tom used on his Newton project, give an old window a new set of movable parts by fastening jamb liners to the side jambs of the window opening and slipping the sash in between.

All of these options are available in a variety of styles and sizes to work with any existing window opening or design. For example, a hard-to-reach double hung window over the sink can be replaced with an easy-open awning window to make it safer and more convenient to open and close.

Replacement Windows

How to Choose the Right Replacement Windows for Your Home

Easton Replacement Windows can elevate the look and style of your home while boosting energy efficiency. But before you decide what type of window to purchase, consider your options carefully. This will help you make the right choice for your home based on the following criteria:


Replacement Windows

Homeowners should set a reasonable budget to avoid being surprised by the total window replacement costs. This budget should include not only the purchase price of the windows but also installation costs.

The cost of installation varies depending on the type and size of windows. For example, installing large windows requires more time and labor than installing smaller ones. Additionally, the location and difficulty of accessing the windows can increase costs. The number of windows to be replaced can also impact the cost. Purchasing all the replacement windows in one project can reduce the per-window installation cost.

Purchasing replacement windows that are both energy efficient and affordable is important for many homeowners. Energy efficiency helps reduce utility bills while providing comfort and reducing noise. In addition, certain features of high-efficiency windows may help homeowners qualify for rebates from the window manufacturer or local utility companies.

When choosing replacement windows, consumers should consider the frame material and window design. Some common window frames are vinyl, aluminum, and wood. Vinyl windows are popular with homeowners because they provide a more affordable option than other materials. In addition, vinyl is durable and offers good thermal performance.

For a higher level of performance, composite or wood windows are an excellent choice. These types of windows offer the look and feel of real wood with the added benefit of low maintenance. These types of windows are more expensive than vinyl, but they offer better energy efficiency and a longer lifespan.

There are many options for window design, including single-hung, double-hung, arched, awning, bay, bow, casement, circle, egress, garden, hopper, jalousie, picture, sliding, and skylight. Consumers should choose windows that complement the style of their home and fit the space.

It is recommended that homeowners hire a professional to install their new windows. This ensures that the work is completed correctly and meets all local regulations. It is also beneficial for homeowners to read installation guides before attempting DIY window replacements. For homeowners who are comfortable installing their own windows, they should set a realistic schedule to complete the project and ensure that all tools and supplies are available.

Energy Efficiency

Homeowners who choose to install energy efficient windows can expect lower utility bills, improved comfort, and increased curb appeal. New windows also boost a home’s value. In fact, new replacement windows have one of the highest return on investment among home improvement projects.

Energy-efficient windows are designed to minimize air leakage and heat loss. This helps to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature throughout the year, eliminating drafts and hot or cold spots and reducing the need for heating and cooling systems. The frame and sash materials play an important role in a window’s insulating properties. Look for a window with a low thermal conductivity, such as fiberglass or vinyl, to improve performance.

The best energy efficient windows have a low U-factor, less than 0.30. The glass in the windows is also important to consider. New windows are designed with a variety of glazing options, including low-E coatings and multiple panes to improve energy efficiency. Double-pane and triple-pane windows offer better energy savings than single-pane windows, but they also have a higher upfront cost.

Many states and cities have incentives for homeowners who choose to replace their windows with energy-efficient models. Check with your local utilities to see what programs are available.

In addition to saving money on your energy costs, installing new windows can help reduce the amount of pollution generated by your home. New windows are made to help protect your furniture, carpet, and artwork from fading due to exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. UV rays pass easily through most windows, but energy efficient windows with a low-E coating or window film can block up to 95% of these rays, extending the life of your belongings.

There’s no denying that new replacement windows can drastically enhance the beauty of your home, both inside and out. Fiberglass, vinyl, and wood windows are available in a wide range of interior and exterior finishes to complement your home’s décor. Adding a dramatic black exterior window finish, for example, can create a bold statement while boosting your home’s energy efficiency. Window color isn’t the only way to enhance your home’s aesthetic; you can also choose window frames with cladding that adds a unique design element.


Aside from energy efficiency, one of the biggest factors to consider when replacing windows is style. Window styles are what give a house its unique personality, so it’s important to find a replacement window that matches or compliments the current design of the home. For example, if a homeowner is renovating a period stone cottage, they wouldn’t want to install uPVC frames because it would ruin the traditional appeal of the property.

On the other hand, a modern new build home may be better suited to large expanses of glass with slimline aluminium frames. In addition to the operating style, the frame material and glazing options need to be taken into account as well.

While there are many different replacement windows to choose from, the most popular types include double hung, casement, awning and bay windows. These are great for homeowners who want to keep the general look and feel of their home, but they also offer plenty of ventilation options.

Another great thing about replacement windows is that they can be installed without having to alter the existing exterior of the building. This means that there will be no need for a demolition and reconstruction of the wall, which is ideal for older homes with perfectly curated exteriors. It also means that there will be no need to replace any existing framing or capping, which can help save on cost and time.

When it comes to installing a new or replacement window, the main difference between these two is that new construction windows have a nail fin frame which is attached to the studs of the wall and then nailed or screwed into place. However, replacement windows are designed to fit inside the existing window frame and can be nailed or screwed into the existing wood perimeter frame. This makes them a perfect option for retrofits in new or existing homes. This makes them the most cost-effective and practical solution for many customers. In addition, they are a good choice for renovation projects when budgets or timelines are tight. They can be installed quickly and can be custom ordered to fit the size of the existing window opening.


When it comes to home remodeling, the best way to maintain your investment is with proper maintenance. Premium replacement windows are a significant investment, and keeping them clean increases their energy efficiency, boosts curb appeal, and helps you get your money back when it’s time to sell.

Clean windows let in more natural light, which can improve mood and productivity. It also keeps your home healthier by reducing the amount of UV radiation that enters the room. A dirty window, on the other hand, allows UV rays to penetrate indoors, which can fade furniture and cause skin damage.

The best way to keep your windows looking their best is by regularly cleaning them with a mild soap and water solution. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as they can strip the finish and scratch the glass. Always test a solution on an inconspicuous part of the frame before applying it to the entire surface.

Inspecting your replacement windows for moisture should be a regular part of your routine. Moisture can lead to wood rot, which is unsightly and can compromise the structure of your home. Moisture can also cause condensation and frost between the window and frame, reducing your home’s insulation. Regular inspection and caulking can help prevent these problems.

An easy do-it-yourself project is replacing a drip cap on a replacement window. These exterior shields are available at most home centers and can be nailed in place and caulked to prevent moisture buildup. Other simple fixes include replacing a broken cord on a sash weight and repairing cracked or worn sill tracks. If your windows have muntins or mullions (pieces of wood separating panes of glass), these can be painted with an exterior-grade paint to make them look new again.

A common sign that it’s time for replacement windows is when the seals are damaged, allowing air and ice to get in. This robs the home of energy and can contribute to mold, mildew, and rot around the windows. It is important to inspect these areas of the house on a regular basis, and to have any problems repaired immediately.