When you’re selling a home, you’ll want to make sure that it is in top condition. Although the home inspection isn’t a comprehensive assessment of every aspect of the property, it does provide valuable information about any possible issues that could affect the sale of the home. While buyers don’t expect a perfect home, they do want to know that there are no hidden problems. Even if the home inspector’s report from San Antonio Home Inspectors points out a few small problems, the major issues can be easily detected by buyers themselves.
If a home has a well, mortgage lenders require it to be tested before approval. While municipal testing is generally done, most lenders will accept a home inspector’s report as an independent testing service. These tests check for bacteria, E. coli, and coliform in the water. Bacteria tests are usually available within 48 hours, while results of other contaminants can take weeks. Regardless of whether the lender requires septic or well inspection, it is essential to have one.
The water quality of the property is another area that needs attention during a home inspection. Often overlooked, water treatment devices are a crucial component of a home’s water supply. Whether these devices are functioning properly or not, water quality tests can reveal hidden problems that buyers need to be aware of. If the well fails to meet safety standards, it’s important to consider a back-up generator and a plumber. This will help your clients avoid costly repairs down the road.
During a home inspection, inspectors also look for obvious leaks and problems. Check for water leaks near appliances, along walls, ceilings, and floors. They’ll also check for damaged pipes around appliances. Plumbing systems and fire alarms should also be working properly, and windows should have no cracks or stains. Additionally, the plumber will check for a functioning garage door opener, as well as a properly working hot water heater.
While it isn’t technically required to attend a home inspection, it is helpful to be present when the inspector is examining the property. You can ask questions about how things work and what parts need repair. This way, you’ll understand the written report much better. You can also ask your real estate agent for their opinion. These experts can also help you get a better idea of the condition of the home. If you aren’t present at the inspection, your real estate agent can answer your questions and give you an overview of the property.
While it’s helpful to make sure your home inspection includes all of these things, the inspector may not be able to check for every little thing. For example, an inspector might not test for radon, a natural carcinogen that emanates from radioactive materials in the earth. Another example of a possible problem is an inoperable light fixture. The inspector may not have even attempted to test this, and would instead note it as a defect without further investigation. Regardless, it’s important that you check for the condition of every light bulb in your house.
Before the home inspection, you should hire a trusted home inspector to conduct it. If you don’t have anyone you can trust to recommend a home inspector, ask your real estate agent for a referral. In addition to hiring a reputable home inspector, you should also gather a list of questions and concerns so you can bring them to the home inspection. You should also have a list of questions prepared for the inspector so that they can adequately answer them.
The cost of a home inspection is typically paid for by the buyer. However, shared closing costs may include the inspection. In some cases, a seller may request a pre-listing home inspection and cover the cost of it. If your home inspection isn’t performed, the buyer may be unwilling to accept an offer for the home. Once you accept an offer, you’ll be required to accept it. In addition, you will need to make sure the house is clean for the inspector.
The purpose of a home inspection is to protect the interests of both sides of the transaction. If the seller fails to disclose any issues that might arise during the inspection, the buyer may decide to renegotiate the price, or ask for repairs. If a buyer chooses to accept the offer only after the home inspection, it can jeopardize the sale or require a re-draft of the sales contract. You can always try to negotiate the price of the home after the inspection to fix any problems that were identified during the inspection.